21 minute read

Problem exposition and Business Value

A client, the Category Manager for a supermarket chain, wants to better understand the types of customers who purchase Chips and their purchasing behaviour within the region. The insights from this analysis will feed into the supermarket’s strategic plan for the chip category in the next half year.

The client is particularly interested in customer segments and their chip purchasing behaviour. For example, they require insights on who spends on chips and what drives spends for each customer segment

I need to present a strategic recommendation to my team lead that is supported by data which she can then use for the upcoming category review.

1) Imports and set-up

    import pandas as pd
    import numpy as np
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    import seaborn as sns
    import datetime


2) Load Datasets

df_trans = pd.read_csv('/path_to_data/transaction_data.csv')
df_behv = pd.read_csv('/path_to_data/purchase_behaviour.csv')

3) Data Cleaning

3.1) Transactions dataset

# find missing values

DATE              0
STORE_NBR         0
TXN_ID            0
PROD_NBR          0
PROD_NAME         0
PROD_QTY          0
TOT_SALES         0
dtype: int64
# look at data types

DATE               object
STORE_NBR           int64
LYLTY_CARD_NBR      int64
TXN_ID              int64
PROD_NBR            int64
PROD_NAME          object
PROD_QTY            int64
TOT_SALES         float64
dtype: object
# change "DATE" column to datetime and PROD_NAME to string

df_trans['DATE'] = pd.to_datetime(df_trans['DATE'])
df_trans['PROD_NAME'] = df_trans['PROD_NAME'].astype('string')
DATE              datetime64[ns]
STORE_NBR                  int64
LYLTY_CARD_NBR             int64
TXN_ID                     int64
PROD_NBR                   int64
PROD_NAME                 string
PROD_QTY                   int64
TOT_SALES                float64
dtype: object
# look at distributions and extreme values

count 264836.00000 2.648360e+05 2.648360e+05 264836.000000 264836.000000 264836.000000
mean 135.08011 1.355495e+05 1.351583e+05 56.583157 1.907309 7.304200
std 76.78418 8.057998e+04 7.813303e+04 32.826638 0.643654 3.083226
min 1.00000 1.000000e+03 1.000000e+00 1.000000 1.000000 1.500000
25% 70.00000 7.002100e+04 6.760150e+04 28.000000 2.000000 5.400000
50% 130.00000 1.303575e+05 1.351375e+05 56.000000 2.000000 7.400000
75% 203.00000 2.030942e+05 2.027012e+05 85.000000 2.000000 9.200000
max 272.00000 2.373711e+06 2.415841e+06 114.000000 200.000000 650.000000

Let’s investigate the highest TOT_SALES value

df_trans[df_trans['TOT_SALES'] == 650]
69762 2018-08-19 226 226000 226201 4 Dorito Corn Chp Supreme 380g 200 650.0
69763 2019-05-20 226 226000 226210 4 Dorito Corn Chp Supreme 380g 200 650.0

Since the second highest TOT_SALES value is 29.5, this is clearly an outlier so I will drop this value

df_trans.drop([69762, 69763], axis = 0, inplace = True)
# Check for duplicate values

124845 2018-01-10 107 107024 108462 45 Smiths Thinly Cut Roast Chicken 175g 2 6.0

There seems to be a single duplicated row. I will drop this.

df_trans.drop(124845, axis = 0, inplace = True)
# clean up PROD_NAME column by

# fixing spaces

for i in range(25):
    df_trans['PROD_NAME'] = df_trans['PROD_NAME'].replace(i*' ', ' ')

# removing whitespace

df_trans['PROD_NAME'] = df_trans['PROD_NAME'].str.strip()

# correcting misspelling of Doritos brand

df_trans['PROD_NAME'] = df_trans['PROD_NAME'].str.replace('Dorito', 'Doritos')
df_trans['PROD_NAME'] = df_trans['PROD_NAME'].str.replace('Doritoss', 'Doritos')
Kettle Mozzarella Basil & Pesto 175g 3304
Kettle Tortilla ChpsHny&Jlpno Chili 150g 3296
Cobs Popd Swt/Chlli &Sr/Cream Chips 110g 3269
Tyrrells Crisps Ched & Chives 165g 3268
Cobs Popd Sea Salt Chips 110g 3265
... ...
RRD Pc Sea Salt 165g 1431
Woolworths Medium Salsa 300g 1430
NCC Sour Cream & Garden Chives 175g 1419
French Fries Potato Chips 175g 1418
WW Crinkle Cut Original 175g 1410

114 rows × 1 columns

3.2) Behaviours dataset

# look at data types


# change "LIFESTAGE" and "PREMIUM_CUSTOMER" variables to 'string' type

df_behv['LIFESTAGE'] = df_behv['LIFESTAGE'].astype('string')
df_behv['PREMIUM_CUSTOMER'] = df_behv['PREMIUM_CUSTOMER'].astype('string')
# check for duplicates


There are no duplicates

4) Data Engineering

# create feature to capture 'packet size'

df_trans['Packet Size'] = df_trans['PROD_NAME'].astype('str').str.extractall('(\d+)').unstack().fillna('').sum(axis=1).astype(int)

# create feature to capture year and month

df_trans['year_month'] = df_trans['DATE'].dt.to_period('M')

# create brand name feature

df_trans['brand_name'] = df_trans['PROD_NAME'].str.split(' ').str[0]

5) Merge datasets

merged_df = pd.merge(df_trans, df_behv, how = 'inner', on = 'LYLTY_CARD_NBR')
0 2018-10-17 1 1000 1 5 Natural Chip Compny SeaSalt175g 2 6.0 175 2018-10 Natural YOUNG SINGLES/COUPLES Premium
1 2019-05-14 1 1307 348 66 CCs Nacho Cheese 175g 3 6.3 175 2019-05 CCs MIDAGE SINGLES/COUPLES Budget
2 2018-10-11 1 1307 346 96 WW Original Stacked Chips 160g 2 3.8 160 2018-10 WW MIDAGE SINGLES/COUPLES Budget
3 2019-09-03 1 1307 347 54 CCs Original 175g 1 2.1 175 2019-09 CCs MIDAGE SINGLES/COUPLES Budget
4 2019-05-20 1 1343 383 61 Smiths Crinkle Cut Chips Chicken 170g 2 2.9 170 2019-05 Smiths MIDAGE SINGLES/COUPLES Budget

6) EDA

6.1) Univariate Analysis - Purchase Frequency

We can find purchase frequency by looking at the number of transactions segmented by different variables

    def uni_plot(feature, color, suptitle, title):
        a = merged_df[feature].value_counts().to_frame()
        a.reset_index(inplace = True)
        a.rename({'index':str(feature), str(feature):'Frequency'},
                   axis = 1, inplace = True)
        a.sort_values(by = 'Frequency', ascending = True, inplace = True)

        if len(a) > 10:
            a = a.iloc[len(a)-10:len(a)]

        if  merged_df[feature].dtype == int:
            merged_df[feature] = merged_df[feature].astype('string')

        plt.figure(figsize = (10, 6))
        plt.barh(a[feature], a['Frequency'], color = color, alpha = 0.7)
        plt.xlabel('Number of Transactions', size = 11)
        plt.xticks(size = 9)
        plt.ylabel(str(feature), size = 11)
        plt.yticks(size = 9)
        plt.title(title, size = 14)


6.11) Lifestage

    uni_plot('LIFESTAGE', '#CF9893', 'Older Customers Purchase Chips Most Frequently',
         'Distribution of Transactions by Customers\' Lifestage')


# let's also quickly find out how many customers are in each stage

merged_df.LYLTY_CARD_NBR.nunique() # yields 72636

And what proportion of the total customers do customers from the above segment make up?

    # and what proportion of the total customers do customers from the above segments

    from pywaffle import Waffle
    cust_count = []
    lifestages = list(set(merged_df.LIFESTAGE))
    for i in lifestages:
        cust_count.append(merged_df[merged_df['LIFESTAGE'] == i]['LYLTY_CARD_NBR'].nunique())
    cust_per_lifestage = pd.DataFrame({'Lifestage': lifestages,
    value = {'New Families':2549, 'Young Families':9178,
              'Midage Singles/Couples':7275, 'Retirees':14805,
              'Older Families':9779, 'Young Singles/Couples':14441,
              'Older Singles/Couples':14609}
    value = dict(sorted(value.items(), key=lambda x:x[1]))
    # Waffle chart
    plt.figure(figsize = (12, 8),
        FigureClass = Waffle,
        rows = 10,
        columns = 10,
        values = value,
        vertical = False,
        facecolor = 'white',
        icons = 'person-dress',
        icon_legend = 'True',
        #title = {'label':''}
        legend = {
                  'loc':'upper left',
                  'bbox_to_anchor':(1, 1)})
    plt.suptitle('Young Singles/Couples, Retirees and Older Singles/Couples Account for 3 out of every 5 Customers', size = 16)
    plt.title('Distribution of each segment of customers if there were only 100 customers', size = 12)



6.12) Product Name

    uni_plot('brand_name', '#BC7C9C', '"Kettle" and "Smiths" Brand Chips are Purchased with the Greatest Frequency',
         'Top 10 Most Frequently Purchased Products (Number of Transactions)')



  • Older customers, whether they are married, single, retired or with children purchase chips with the greatest frequency. This suggests these are valuable segments to our client. However, we must note that this is not the same as saying “older customers buy the greatest amount of chip products”. We will explore this particular question later.

  • The “Kettle” and “Smiths” brands saw the greatest number of purchases by transaction, not by number of chip products sold. “Kettle” chips are a clear outlier because there is a substantial gap between it and 2nd-placed “Smiths” chips. “Pringles” and “Doritos” round out the top 4 with the rest of the pack trailing far behind

6.13) Customer Category

    uni_plot('PREMIUM_CUSTOMER', '#7A5980',
             'The Greatest Proportion of Transactions Involve the "Mainstream" Customer Category',
             'Number of Transactions by Customer Category')




  • Clearly, the greatest number of sales involve the “Mainstream” customer category, while “Premium” customers are responsible for the least number of sales.

  • However, this is to be expected. Premium customers usually buy higher-priced products and price is inversely correlated with both purchase frequency (as shown here) and purchase quantity.

    As a result, while we can say that Mainstream customers purchase chips with the greatest frequency, we cannot say that they are responsible for the greatest revenue for our client. As we have no data on pricing, we are unable to explore this avenue further

As we did with lifestage, let’s check what proportion of customers belong to each segment

    # as we did with lifestage, let's check what proportion of customers belong to each segment

    cust_count = []
    categories = list(set(merged_df.PREMIUM_CUSTOMER))
    for i in categories:
        cust_count.append(merged_df[merged_df['PREMIUM_CUSTOMER'] == i]['LYLTY_CARD_NBR'].nunique())
    cust_per_category = pd.DataFrame({'Category': categories,
    cust_per_category.sort_values(by = 'num_customers', inplace = True)
    colors = ['#cdb4db', '#ffafcc', '#a2d2ff']
    plt.figure(figsize = (12, 8))
            color = colors,
            alpha = 0.75)
    plt.title('Total Customers in each type of Category', size = 16)
    plt.suptitle('Mainstream Customers are the largest segment while Premium Customers are the smallest segment', size = 18)



6.14) Evolution of Number of Transactions Through Time

    transactions_per_month = merged_df.year_month.value_counts().to_frame()

    transactions_per_month.reset_index(inplace = True)

    transactions_per_month.sort_values(by = 'index', inplace = True)

    transactions_per_month['index'] = transactions_per_month['index'].astype('string')

    transactions_per_month.plot(x = 'index', y = 'year_month',
                                kind = 'line', figsize = (10, 6),
                                color = '#A96DA3', alpha = 0.7)

    plt.xlabel('Month', size = 11)
    plt.xticks(size = 9)
    plt.ylabel('Number of Transactions', size = 11)
    plt.yticks(size = 9)
    plt.title('Number of Transactions by Month', size = 14)
    plt.suptitle('Vast Majority of Transactions Occur Between 07-2018 and 06-2019')




Interestingly, there is a sharp increase in the number of transactions During July 2017. This number stays fairly high and consistent until June 2018, then drops sharply again.

It is not clear from the data why this is occuring. There is no clear seasonality aspect to the sales of chips. Perhaps there was an extremely successful marketing campaign that coincided with this period of high sales, but this is really unlikely.

Whatever factor explains this graph is of paramount importance to the client because it yields an immense increase in sales

6.2) Bivariate Analysis - Total Qty of Products Sold (Best-Selling Products)

    def aggregator(x, y, color, suptitle, title):
        df = merged_df.groupby(x)[y].sum().to_frame().reset_index().sort_values(by = y, ascending = True)

        if len(df) > 10:
            df = df.iloc[len(df) - 10:len(df)]

        plt.figure(figsize = (10, 6))
        plt.barh(df[x], df[y], color = color, alpha = 0.7)
        plt.xlabel(y, size = 11)
        plt.xticks(size = 9)
        plt.ylabel(x, size = 11)
        plt.yticks(size = 9)
        plt.title(title, size = 14)


6.21) Total Product Sales by Brand - Best-Selling Brand

    aggregator('brand_name', 'TOT_SALES', '#3B3B58',
               '"Kettle" chips dominate the competition and significantly outsold competitors',
               'Top 10 Products By Total Units Sold ')



  • The product with the greatest number of units sold belongs to the “Kettle” and “Doritos” brands. With our previous findings, we can conclude that not only are “Kettle” and “Doritos” brands chips bought most often, they are also bought at the greatest quantities (number of units) overall

  • For example, “Kettle” chips were bought in over 1 million transactions with almost 4 million units bought. So we can also say that the average number of “Kettle” chips bought per transaction was about 4

  • As before, “Smiths” and “Pringles” round out the top 4. Interestingly, however, we see that while “Doritos” chips outsold “Smiths” chips in terms of total quantity, Smiths chips were sold more often (by a slight amount). So, on average, customers bought “Smiths” chips more often but in smaller quantities compared to “Doritos” chips

6.22) Total Product Sales by Lifestage

    aggregator('LIFESTAGE', 'TOT_SALES', '#CF9893',
               'Older Customers are the Biggest Purchasers of Chips',
               'Total Product Sales by Customer Lifestage')



  • We see that not only are Older Singles/Couples, Retirees and Older Families the customer segments that purchase chip products with the greatest frequency, they also purchase the largest quantities of chips.

  • These findings point to the idea that these segments are very valuable to our client and that the client should continue to target and promote these segments in their supermarket’s strategic plan

6.23) Total Product Sales by Customer Category

    aggregator('PREMIUM_CUSTOMER', 'TOT_SALES', '#BC7C9C',
               'Mainstream Category Customers are the Biggest Purchasers of Chips',
               'Total Product Sales by Customer Category')



  • We see a similar distribution here as in the “Customer Category vs Number of Transactions” visualisation.

    At first glance, we may think that Mainstream customers are the most valuable to our client because they buy the most products and do so with the greatest frequency. However, this would be an erroneous inference. This is because we have no data on the prices of the products that these customers buy, so we do not know what proportion of total revenue they’re responsible for.

  • In other words, it is possible (and even likely) that the Premium customers are responsible for the greatest share of revenue for our client. Premium customers have that category name assigned to them for a reason; they likely buy more expensive chips. And finally, it is important to recall that one of the most basic laws of economics states that price is negatively correlated with quantity demanded, so the visualisation above is quite in line with expectations

6.24) Total Product Sales by Packet Size

    merged_df.groupby('Packet Size')['TOT_SALES'].sum().to_frame().reset_index().plot(kind = 'bar',
                                                                                      x = 'Packet Size',
                                                                                      y = 'TOT_SALES',
                                                                                      figsize = (10, 6),
                                                                                      color = '#7A5980',
                                                                                      alpha = 0.7)
    plt.xlabel('Packet Size (Grams)', size = 11)
    plt.ylabel("Total Number of Chip Products Sold", size = 11)
    plt.xticks(size = 9)
    plt.yticks(size = 9)
    plt.title('Total Chip Products Sold By Packet Size in grams', size = 14)
    plt.suptitle('Customers Overwhelmingly Prefer 175g and 150g Packet Sizes')



  • 175g and 150g, packets that can be considered “medium-sized”, proved to be the most popular with customers.

  • Interestingly, we see a segment of customers that prefer larger-sized packets as well, ranging from 270g to 380g.

    Below we see that for the subset of customers who buy these larger packets, the best-selling brand is “Smiths”, not “Kettle”. Recall that “Kettle” was the best-selling brand overall by a tremendous margin overall, but it is nowhere to be found here. We can conclude that either “Kettle” does not offer large packet sizes or if they do, customers do not prefer larger sizes for this brand

merged_df[merged_df['Packet Size'].isin([270, 300, 330, 380])].groupby('brand_name')['TOT_SALES'].sum().sort_values(ascending = False)

# the "Old" value refers to "Old El Palso Salsa Dip". It is not a chips brand so we exclude it
Smiths        105474.4
Old            90785.1
Doritos        86703.6
Twisties       55425.4
Cheezels       34296.9
Woolworths      8284.5
Name: TOT_SALES, dtype: float64
7 2019-05-19 4 4074 2982 57 Old El Paso Salsa Dip Tomato Mild 300g 1 5.1 300 2019-05 Old MIDAGE SINGLES/COUPLES Budget
17 2018-11-19 4 4196 3536 59 Old El Paso Salsa Dip Tomato Med 300g 2 10.2 300 2018-11 Old MIDAGE SINGLES/COUPLES Budget
50 2018-12-26 19 19272 16684 59 Old El Paso Salsa Dip Tomato Med 300g 1 5.1 300 2018-12 Old MIDAGE SINGLES/COUPLES Budget
83 2018-08-13 36 36302 33187 57 Old El Paso Salsa Dip Tomato Mild 300g 2 10.2 300 2018-08 Old MIDAGE SINGLES/COUPLES Budget
87 2019-05-15 39 39144 35506 57 Old El Paso Salsa Dip Tomato Mild 300g 1 5.1 300 2019-05 Old MIDAGE SINGLES/COUPLES Budget
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
264565 2018-03-07 258 258426 257384 59 Old El Paso Salsa Dip Tomato Med 300g 2 10.2 300 2018-03 Old YOUNG SINGLES/COUPLES Premium
264623 2018-07-11 262 262061 261665 65 Old El Paso Salsa Dip Chnky Tom Ht300g 2 10.2 300 2018-07 Old YOUNG SINGLES/COUPLES Premium
264631 2018-08-23 262 262084 261793 57 Old El Paso Salsa Dip Tomato Mild 300g 2 10.2 300 2018-08 Old YOUNG SINGLES/COUPLES Premium
264644 2019-01-01 264 264165 262926 65 Old El Paso Salsa Dip Chnky Tom Ht300g 2 10.2 300 2019-01 Old YOUNG SINGLES/COUPLES Premium
264691 2019-04-20 265 265103 263419 59 Old El Paso Salsa Dip Tomato Med 300g 1 5.1 300 2019-04 Old YOUNG SINGLES/COUPLES Premium

9324 rows × 13 columns

7) Deeper Dive Into Customer Segments

7.1) Most Valuable Segments by Total Products Sold

    sales_best_segments = merged_df.groupby(['LIFESTAGE', 'PREMIUM_CUSTOMER'])['TOT_SALES'].sum().to_frame().sort_values(by = 'TOT_SALES',
                                                                                                   ascending = False)

OLDER FAMILIES Budget 168363.25
YOUNG SINGLES/COUPLES Mainstream 157621.60
RETIREES Mainstream 155677.05
YOUNG FAMILIES Budget 139345.85

Let’s filter out each best segment and assign them to different dataframes so that we can use these if needed

    older_fam_budget = merged_df.loc[(merged_df['LIFESTAGE'] == 'OLDER FAMILIES') &
                                     (merged_df['PREMIUM_CUSTOMER'] == 'Budget')]

    young_sing_coup_main = merged_df.loc[(merged_df['LIFESTAGE'] == 'YOUNG SINGLES/COUPLES') &
                                         (merged_df['PREMIUM_CUSTOMER'] == 'Mainstream')]

    retirees_main = merged_df.loc[(merged_df['LIFESTAGE'] == 'RETIREES') &
                                  (merged_df['PREMIUM_CUSTOMER'] == 'Mainstream')]

    young_fam_budget = merged_df.loc[(merged_df['LIFESTAGE'] == 'YOUNG FAMILIES') &
                                     (merged_df['PREMIUM_CUSTOMER'] == 'Budget')]

    older_sing_coup_budget = merged_df.loc[(merged_df['LIFESTAGE'] == 'OLDER SINGLES/COUPLES') &
                                     (merged_df['PREMIUM_CUSTOMER'] == 'Budget')]

7.2) Most Valuable Segments’ Share of All Product Sales

    sum_sales_best_segments = sales_best_segments.iloc[:5].sum().sum()

    labels = ['5 Best Segments', 'All Remaining Segments']
    sizes = [sum_sales_best_segments, sales_best_segments.TOT_SALES.sum() - sum_sales_best_segments]
    explode = (0.05, 0)
    colors = ['#f0a6ca', '#b8bedd']

    fig1, ax1 = plt.subplots(figsize = (6, 6))

    ax1.pie(sizes, explode = explode, labels = labels, autopct='%1.1f%%',
            shadow = False, startangle = 90, textprops = {'fontsize':'12'},
            colors = colors)

    plt.title('% Split of Sales Comparing Products Sold of 5 Best Segments Vs All Other Segments', size = 14)
    plt.suptitle('Combined Products Sold for 5 Best Segments Account for Nearly 40% of All Products Sold')



  • The most valuable customer segments, in order, are:

    • Older Families + Budget
    • Younger Singles/Couples + Mainstream
    • Retirees + Mainstream
    • Young Families + Budget
    • Older Singles/Couples + Budget
  • These best segments account for 2 out of every 5 chip products sold, making these extremely valuable segments to target

7.3) Evolution of Spending Patterns Over Time of 5 Best Segments

    def segment_sales(lifestage, category, title):
        df = merged_df.loc[(merged_df['LIFESTAGE'] == lifestage) &
                                     (merged_df['PREMIUM_CUSTOMER'] == category)]

        df = df.groupby('year_month')['TOT_SALES'].sum().reset_index()

                              axis = 1, inplace = True)
        return df

    older_fam_budget_sales = segment_sales('OLDER FAMILIES', 'Budget', 'old_fam_budget_sales')
    young_single_mainstream_sales = segment_sales('YOUNG SINGLES/COUPLES', 'Mainstream', 'young_single_mainstream_sales')
    retirees_mainstream_sales = segment_sales('RETIREES', 'Mainstream', 'retirees_mainstream_sales')

    young_families_budget_sales = segment_sales('YOUNG FAMILIES', 'Budget', 'youngFam_budget_sales')
    older_couples_budget_sales = segment_sales('OLDER SINGLES/COUPLES', 'Budget', 'old_sin_couple_sales')

    best_segments_sales = pd.merge(older_fam_budget_sales, young_single_mainstream_sales,  on = 'year_month')
    best_segments_sales = pd.merge(best_segments_sales, retirees_mainstream_sales,  on = 'year_month')
    best_segments_sales = pd.merge(best_segments_sales, young_families_budget_sales,  on = 'year_month')
    best_segments_sales = pd.merge(best_segments_sales, older_couples_budget_sales,  on = 'year_month')

    best_segments_sales.plot(kind = 'line', x = 'year_month',
                       y = ['old_fam_budget_sales',
                       alpha = 0.7, figsize = (12, 6),
                       color = ['#987284', '#75B9BE', '#D0D6B5',
                                '#F9B5AC', '#EE7674'])
    plt.legend(loc = 'lower center', labels = ['Older Families + Budget',
                                               'Young Singles/Couples + Mainstream',
                                               'Retirees + Mainstream',
                                               'Young Families + Budget',
                                               'Old Singles/Couples + Budget'])

    plt.xlabel('Month and Year', size = 11)
    plt.ylabel('Number of Products Sold', size = 11)
    plt.xticks(size = 9)
    plt.yticks(size = 9)
    plt.suptitle('Customers from Best Segments Buy Large Quantities of Chips Only Between 06-2018 and 06-2019')
    plt.title('Total Products Purchased by 5 Best Customer Segments - Jan 2018 to Dec 2019',
               size = 14)



  • Top 3 Best Customer Segments by Number of Products Purchased had fairly similar spending patterns. They all share

    • A high, sustained level between June 2018 and June 2019 which sees cyclical purchasing behaviour
    • A dip in that level during February 2019
    • A peak in that level during March 2019

7.4) Average Frequency of Chip Purchases for Most Valuable Segments

To do this, I can find the difference in number of days for each purchase within a segment then average this.

However, that would introduce a problem: since many different customers can buy chips on a given day, the difference in days between these data points would be 0. This would give a misleading idea of the frequency of chip purchases because the average would be very low due to the nature of the calculations.

To solve this, I need to:

  1. compare the purchase dates of individual (unique) customers within a segment then

  2. compute the average number of days elapsed between purchases for that particular customer then

  3. repeat for a random sample of 1000 customers from that segment

I can then find:

  • the individual average purchase frequency for each segment (1000 customers each)

  • the collective average purchase frequency for all 5 segments (5000 customers in total)

    # create two lists.

    # One to store average number of days elapsed between purchases for each customer

    avg_days_purchase_per_cust = []

    # One to store the average number of days elapsed between purchases for each segment

    avg_days_cust_segment = []

    def freq_purchase(lifestage, category):

        # filter for required best segment
        df = merged_df.loc[(merged_df['LIFESTAGE'] == lifestage) & (merged_df['PREMIUM_CUSTOMER'] == category)]

        # randomly sample 1000 customers from this segment
        random_cust = list(df.sample(n = 1000, random_state = 42).LYLTY_CARD_NBR)

        # write a loop to find the average number of days between purchases for each randomly-sampled customer

        for i in range(len(random_cust)):
                # isolate to one customer
                x = df[df['LYLTY_CARD_NBR'] == random_cust[i]].copy()

                # sort by date
                x.sort_values(by = ['DATE'], inplace = True)

                # find difference in days between each purchase
                x['Days Since Last Purchase'] = (x['DATE'] - x['DATE'].shift(1))

                # fill null values
                x['Days Since Last Purchase'] = x['Days Since Last Purchase'].fillna(pd.Timedelta(seconds=0))

                # remove first purchase date because it cannot compare to an 'earlier' date
                # then find the mean
                avg_1 = x.iloc[1:len(df)]['Days Since Last Purchase'].copy().mean()

                # add each individual customer mean to our pre-defined list list

                # when we have collected 1000 customer averages (which comprises a single segment),
                # find the average of those 100 averages. This gives the average for the whole segment
                # then add this segment-level average to our second pre-defined list

                if len(avg_days_purchase_per_cust) > 999:
                    avg_2 = pd.to_timedelta(pd.Series(avg_days_purchase_per_cust)).mean()

                    # add average of this segment to another list

                    # wipe initial list clean for next run of loop
    freq_purchase('OLDER FAMILIES', 'Budget')
    freq_purchase('YOUNG SINGLES/COUPLES', 'Mainstream')
    freq_purchase('RETIREES', 'Mainstream')
    freq_purchase('YOUNG FAMILIES', 'Budget')
    freq_purchase('OLDER SINGLES/COUPLES', 'Budget')

    avg_days_cust_segment = [x.days for x in avg_days_cust_segment]
    avg_days_cust_segment = pd.DataFrame({'Segments': ['Older Families + Budget',
                                    'Younger Singles/Couples + Mainstream',
                                    'Retirees + Mainstream',
                                    'Young Families + Budget',
                                    'Older Singles/Couples + Budget'],
                                    'Average Number of Days Between Purchases':avg_days_cust_segment})
    plt.figure(figsize = (8, 6))
    plt.barh(width = avg_days_cust_segment['Average Number of Days Between Purchases'],
             y = avg_days_cust_segment['Segments'], color = '#CF9893', alpha = 0.7)

    plt.xlabel('Average Number of Days Between Purchases', size = 11)
    plt.ylabel('Customer Segment', size = 11)
    plt.xticks(size = 9)
    plt.yticks(size = 9)
    plt.suptitle('Customers from Best Segments Buy Chips Between Every 2 to 4 Months on Average')
    plt.title('Average Number of Days Elapsed Between Purchases for 1000 Randomly Sampled Customers From Best Segments',
               size = 14)



  1. Customers from our best segments make purchases on average between every 2 to 4 months.

    • Among these segments, “Retirees + Mainstream” & “Younger Singles/Couples + Mainstream” are placed near the upper end of this range, with the former in particular taking more than 4 months on average to make a purchase and the latter taking 110 days

    • The remaining 3 segments all take less than 95 days or just over 3 months to make repeat purchases on average. In particular, “Older Families + Budget” customers take about 75 days to make repeat chips purchases. This segment therefore buys chips with the highest frequency

  2. Interestingly, all of the segments on the lower end of our range come from the “Budget” category. This suggests “Budget” customers are more likely to purchase chips more frequently than either “Mainstream” or “Premium” customers

    • Segments with “Mainstream” customers are on the upper end of this range

    • There are no segments with “Premium” customers, further supporting my hypothesis that Premium customers buy fewer products overall with less frequency, but they likely buy the more expensive products

7.5) Average Qty Bought per Customer in Best Segments

    print('Average Qty Bought Per Customer in the following segments is: ')

    print('Older Families + Budget: {:0.2f}'.format(round(older_fam_budget.TOT_SALES.sum()/
                                                          older_fam_budget.LYLTY_CARD_NBR.nunique()), 2))

    print('Young Singles/Couples + Mainstream: {:0.2f}'.format(young_sing_coup_main.TOT_SALES.sum()/

    print('Retirees + Mainstream: {:0.2f}'.format(retirees_main.TOT_SALES.sum()/

    print('Young Families + Budget: {:0.2f}'.format(young_fam_budget.TOT_SALES.sum()/

    print('Older Singles/Couples + Budget: {:0.2f}'.format(older_sing_coup_budget.TOT_SALES.sum()/

Average Qty Bought Per Customer in the following segments is:

    Older Families + Budget: 36.00
    Young Singles/Couples + Mainstream: 19.49
    Retirees + Mainstream: 24.03
    Young Families + Budget: 34.69
    Older Singles/Couples + Budget: 27.75

While the Young Singles/Couples + Mainstream and Retirees + Mainstream segments buy more chips overall, they also have a proportionally greater number of customers. This means that, on a per customer basis, the Young Families + Budget segment is more valuable because customers in this segment buy more chips on average than in the two aforementioned segments

8) Conclusions

The “best” segments for our client in the context of their chip-purchasing behaviour when it comes to both frequency and total quantity bought are older customers. In particular, Older Singles/Couples + Budget, Retirees + Mainstream and Older Families + Budget, all of whom also belong to the “Budget” category, all rank near the top of these measures.

However, if we look at the average quantity bought by customers in each segment, then the unifying factor behind the best segments is families and the budget category. This is because Older Families + Budget and Young Families + Budget rank 1st and 2nd in both the frequency of purchasing and in the average qty of chips bought per customer.

Older And Young Families + Budget make a trip to the supermarket to buy chips approximately every 2.5 months, which is by far the greatest frequency. They buy 36 and 34.7 chip products per customer, respectively, over the timeframe of this dataset. Again, this is ranked 1st and 2nd in this measure.

Theoretically, this makes sense. Chips products are usually more popular with children and teens. And of course, if a customer has a family, then they are likely to buy a greater quantity of chips because they may be buying it not only for themselves, but for their family members too.

Along with Young Singles/Couples + Mainstream customers, the aforementioned segments account for 2 out of every 5 units of chips sold.

If we pivot and look at the brand and product-centric inferences, we find that Kettle and Smiths chips dominate the competition by both frequency of purchase and number of units sold. Kettle in particular is a clear outlier here with significant leads over 2nd-placed Smiths in both measures.

Interestingly, when it comes to packet sizes, Kettle does not seem to offer larger packet sizes (those including and above 270g), so Smiths is the most popular brand here. Generally, mid-sized packets (150g, 170g and 175g) are the most popular with customers by far. However, there is a set of customers that does prefer the aforementioned larger packets.

Lastly, there is something peculiar occurring with the purchasing behaviour with respect to time. Something caused total purchases to increase tremendously in June 2018. This stayed at a high level until July 2019, when purchases crashed and returned to pre-June 2019. I am unsure regarding why this occurred. Maybe new supermarkets were opened which increased sales, but that would not explain why sales crashed again in July 2019 (unless these supermarkets were closed in that month). So this warrants further investigation.

Overall, my recommendation to our client is to focus on the segments where customers have families and are in the budget category. Brand-wise, it would be a good idea to promote Kettle, Doritos and Smiths chips overall, and Smiths and Doritos chips in the larger packet sizes